bathing equipment long term care facilities

How Shower Chairs Help Seniors Bathe Safely

In a retirement community, roles and routines are reshaped to fit the needs of residents. One common concern involves creating a safe environment, especially during personal care tasks like bathing. This task, often taken for granted by younger individuals, can pose significant challenges for our treasured older generation. The slippery surfaces, coupled with shifting balance,…

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How Hearing Aids Have Proved To Reduce The Risks Of Dementia In The Elderly

With hearing aids proving to be a doorway to a better quality of life, it’s no wonder they’ve become an indispensable solution for those with hearing difficulties. More than just an auditory assistance, these devices are substantially reducing the risks associated with cognitive disorders, especially dementia. Deploying advanced technology, hearing aids have the potential to delay cognitive…

senior woman sitting bed taking medicine evening

How And When Should You Declutter After The Loss Of A Spouse?

The loss of a spouse can be a heart-wrenching, transformative experience that leaves a void in one’s life. As difficult as it is, one of the challenging tasks one encounters in the stages of grieving is dealing with personal belongings. Decluttering can seem daunting and, sometimes, even unfathomably painful. However, it’s important to recognize that decluttering doesn’t…

bible religion senior woman church sermon faith christian belief while

4 Ways You Can Improve The Quality Of Your Retirement Life With Spiritual Support

Spiritual well-being is an indispensable aspect of leading an enriching and healthy life, particularly as we age. Spiritual support encompasses strengthening one’s faith, exploring a deeper meaning in life, and instilling a sense of belongingness. Authentic connections, regular meditation practices, and adherence to religious beliefs are just a few examples of how spiritual support can…

sodium on periodic table

4 Tips To Prevent Low Sodium Levels In The Elderly

Having a well-balanced diet is crucial for overall health and wellness. For the elderly, attending to one particular aspect of nutrition—preventing low sodium levels—can be essential for well-being. Low sodium levels in the elderly, or hyponatremia, can lead to fatigue, dizziness, confusion, and even severe neurological complications. Safeguarding Health with Discovery Commons At Virginia Beach At…

beautiful mature sportswoman smiling camera while running park listening music

3 Exercises To Start Now For Successful Osteoporosis Prevention

Keeping your bones healthy is a cornerstone of whole-body wellness. Especially when it comes to osteoporosis prevention, incorporating regular exercise is not just a lovely way to feel energized and active. Still, it is also a fundamental part of maintaining bone density and strength. Starting these exercises now can mark the beginning of a stronger, healthier…

Senior woman with headache holding hands on temples

Understanding 3 Common Causes Of Dizziness In Elderly

Dizziness is a common concern among older adults, often impacting their daily life and well-being. The causes of dizziness in elderly individuals can range from simple factors like dehydration or medication side effects to more complex issues such as cardiovascular problems or neurological disorders. Recognizing and addressing these causes early can help manage symptoms effectively and ensure…

Senior woman sleeping in bed with help of pills

The Reasons Why Seniors Should Skip Sleep Pills

As we age, a good night’s sleep becomes more important but sometimes more elusive. Many golden-age adults turn to sleep pills as a quick solution. However, it’s vital to understand that these pills are only occasionally the safest or most effective option. Natural sleep aids and lifestyle adjustments often provide a healthier, more sustainable solution. This includes…

Beautiful stylish woman aged sleeping

Sleep Quality Is A Priority Aspect For Successful Chronic Pain Management After 60

For individuals over 60, managing chronic pain is a critical aspect of maintaining a good quality of life. One key factor often overlooked in chronic pain management is sleep quality. Adequate rest is vital in pain perception and can significantly impact how the body copes with chronic pain conditions. Poor sleep can exacerbate pain sensitivity, leading to…

Happy senior woman practicing yoga on mat

Mental Stimulation Is An Important Aspect Of A Happy Retirement Life

Retirement is more than just a time for relaxation; it’s a phase of life where mental stimulation is key to happiness and well-being. Keeping the mind active and engaged can improve cognitive function, create a sharper memory, and create a more fulfilling day-to-day experience. Activities like puzzles, learning new skills, reading, and social interactions significantly maintain mental…