puzzles of wood on the background of a wooden table.

The Benefits Of Playing Puzzles For Individuals With Dementia

Dementia is a broad term used to describe the cognitive decline that can occur as a result of various conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing dementia, research has shown that puzzles can be beneficial for individuals with dementia in several ways. Indeed, puzzles are not just for children.…

Senior doing her exercises on her sofa

7 Ideal Activities for Your Loved One with Parkinson’s Disease

There are various activities seniors with Parkinson’s might like that are mentally, emotionally, and physically uplifting. Here are some ideal activities for your loved one with Parkinson’s Disease. Make Arts and Crafts Making crafts with one’s own hands is not just fun but could benefit one’s mental health. Research shows that elders that engage in…

Lovely smiling mature couple having fun while using tablet at home

How To Find the Right Memory Care in Southern Maryland

Dementia develops and advances distinctly for different individuals, potentially rendering it harder to determine when to engage in residential home nursing care for your parent. Elder suffering from early dementia may only need short-term care, whereas others require regular maintenance. Here is a review of how to find the proper memory care in Southern Maryland.…